Daily Archives: May 21, 2024

Inspirational Photo

Morning Prayer: May 21st

Holy and Loving God: As I awaken to the morning, fresh from resting and at peace with the world, help me to center myself in you and prepare myself for today.

You have touched me with your presence and filled me with love and courage. Enlighten me, so that I may enlighten others. Set before me images of what it means to be your servant, so that I may mirror those images in all that I do. If I grow apathetic and indifferent, shake me into being fully present and fully alive. Where there is desolation, help me to bring hope, where there is ignorance, knowledge. And most of all, help me to keep close to your Spirit, the source of all gifts and strength. O God, give us light to open our eyes and courage to lead into newness of life. In the matchless name of Jesus I pray. Amen.