Evening Prayer: June 17th

Creator God, throughout this day you constantly reminded us we are challenged to remain faithful to you. Thanks be to You for the opportunity to serve you, to be in your loving arms, and to know that you were present in our lives. 

As the sun falls in the West and this day draws to a close, we acknowledge our trust in you. Be with us in our time of sleep that we will be blessed with your continued presence, protection, and peace. Renew us in our sleep so that if it be your will we wake to a new day…we will do so with a rekindled heart, ready to do your will. In your name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

About Andy

Welcome to my blog! I know it may not be the most exciting place in the world but it is home. With that please respect this site and what we stand for (which should be evident by the content). Please be respectful and kind to others and do not "trash" my house. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I encourage you to make comments to the posts on this blog - dialog is how we grow. NOTE: if you frequent this blog would you please register as a "follower" so that I know how many people are benefitting from this blog. I would appreciate it.Come in, look around and I hope you enjoy what you see. Peace Andy View all posts by Andy

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