Morning Prayer: May 24th

Gracious God, as the sun rises to proclaim the dawn of this new day, I awake to a renewed awareness of your presence. Guide my walk today. 

God, this world you have created is a world of choices. You have given us the freedom to make daily choices for better or worse, for right or wrong. Too often we do not choose wisely because we do not listen attentively to the counsel you offer. Today slow me down, God, and strengthen the bond between you and me that I may be more eager to discern your will and follow your direction in my life. Today I offer all that I am and all that I have to you. Use me as you will. In the blessed name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

About Andy

Welcome to my blog! I know it may not be the most exciting place in the world but it is home. With that please respect this site and what we stand for (which should be evident by the content). Please be respectful and kind to others and do not "trash" my house. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I encourage you to make comments to the posts on this blog - dialog is how we grow. NOTE: if you frequent this blog would you please register as a "follower" so that I know how many people are benefitting from this blog. I would appreciate it.Come in, look around and I hope you enjoy what you see. Peace Andy View all posts by Andy

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